Missions at Trinity
Little Free Food Pantry
The Little Free Food Pantry is located next to the Crossroads Building in the Poquoson Ave. Parking Lot.
The LFFP is to help people facing hunger or food insecurity with no questions asked. If you know of a family that could benefit from the LFFP, please let them know it moved.

You can drop off either monetary donations (marked LFFP) or food donations to the Poquoson Ave. doors Monday-Friday during office hours. If you do not want to make contact, you can ring the bell during office hours to get our attention. Thank you for your generous support of the LFFP.
As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief – UMCOR – assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need. UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable. UMCOR provides relief, response and long-term recovery grants when events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own. UMCOR also provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development.