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Palm Sunday

The name comes from a story in the Bible in which Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem. Prior to this event, Jesus and his friends roamed the countryside teaching and performing miracles, gaining a lot of recognition. The people of Jerusalem were super-excited that Jesus was coming to their city to celebrate a big religious festival. In their excitement, the people grabbed palm branches to wave around and threw their cloaks before Jesus on the road. The whole scene might have looked something like an ancient tinkertape parade.


Today, we still commemorate Palm Sunday. It starts off a week of remembrance for Christians, often referred to as Holy Week. The week ends with the celebration of Easter, and throughout this week we mark the different events that led to Jesus' Resurrection and Easter. This means that Palm Sunday is a kind of paradoxical celebration. At worship services, there is likely a festive atmosphere. I have been part of many services where children wave palm branches and parade around the worship space shouting "Hosanna!" The paradox is that we celebrate knowing full well what came next in the story, after Jesus' triumphal entry: he was rejected, betrayed and crucified.

Just about everything in regards to Jesus was surprising. His teachings were surprising--sometimes in a refreshing way, often in a shocking way. His actions were surprising, evidenced in the people he often associated with. His entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was surprising--because he road in riding a young donkey. The events of Holy Week remind us that we humans often don't deal well with surprises, for the story Jesus turns from celebration on Palm Sunday to rejection and death the following Friday. Thankfully, we know today that there was one more surprise to the Jesus story: the surprise of the Resurrection, which we'll celebrate on Easter Sunday. Easter is a reminder that though we may turn from God's surprises, God's love persists in an undeniable way. We can't keep God from surprising us.

This Sunday is a celebration of wonder. We celebrate that God continues to surprise and are welcoming in the miracle to come: the miracle of Resurrection. I hope you'll consider what surprises await you this Holy Week.

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Minimalist Maundy Thursday Instagram Post (1).png

Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)

Maundy Thursday is an alternate name for Holy Thursday, the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus. The English word "Maundy" comes from the Latin mandatum, which means "commandment."

As recorded in John's gospel, on his last night before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then gave them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34). This is why services on this night generally include the washing of feet or other acts of physical care as an integral part of the celebration.

While John's gospel does not record the institution of the Lord's Supper among the events of this night, the other gospels do. This is why Christians have traditionally observed this night both at the basin (footwashing) and at the Lord's Table (Holy Communion).


Join us on March 28, 2024 at 7:00 pm 


Good Friday
The Friday before Easter on which the crucifixion of Jesus is remembered. Good Friday services focus upon prayer and reflection on the death of Christ and penance and special devotion for the believer.
March 29, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Combined Worship at Tabernacle

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Gold Minimalist Good Morning Facebook Post (1).png

Easter Sunrise Service 

Join us for Sunrise Service at 6:30 am on

Sunday March 31, 2024. 

Bring a chair and dress warm as we worship together at the point. Please follow the Trinity Facebook page for weather updates.  

Join Us for Easter Service

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